Sunday, February 26, 2012

Tummy Time

In the past few days Madison has become more and more comfortable being on her tummy. As of today she was figured out to reach for things during tummy time! Its amazing to watch her learn new things.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Two is better than one

Well it's official Madison has 2 teeth now! Here's a little sneak peak at her bottom two pearly whites!!!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Welcome to our blog & some big news!

Hello everyone!
As some of your may know we had a blog while we were expecting Madison, well now since we are a family we have a new blog on a MUCH better (and free) site!!  I will try to update the blog at least once a week so try to check back often and keep up with us :) 

mmmmm. I love my rice cereal!
We have some exciting news this week.. MADISON HAS A TOOTH! Lately she has been chewing on everything she can get her tiny hands onto .. including our hands. Yesterday she starting chewing on my finger and I felt something sharp.. her first little tooth had cut! At the doctors last week Dr. Lubell said "she is teething but I don't think she will have a tooth for at least 2-4 weeks." Boy was he wrong! She even has another one about to cut! At 4 months old she has a tooth, eats rice cereal, jumps in her jumperoo and can almost roll from stomach to back and her back to stomach! She is developing so well!