Sunday, March 8, 2015

12 months!

We made it.. Elizabeth's first year has come and gone. 

Weight: 17lbs 4oz

Length: 27 1/4inches

Milestone: she has figured out how to climb stairs at Mima and pops house! Also took her first flight.. And did amazing!!

Sleep: So much better. She's back to her 11 hr nights and 2hr naps! Having that final tooth cut has helped a lot!!

Eating: Anything and everything! Except icing.. Which we learnt the hard way at her cake smash:( she screamed and cried touching it .. She doesn't like the texture. 

Diapers: size 3s 
Clothing: mostly 9-12 months now.
Mood: Awesome!! She's always so happy!!  Only time she really gets fussy is when she's tired.

  • Playing with her sisters toys 
  • Eating
  • Minnie Mouse and Mickey Mouse 
  • The pool
  • Sitting still 
  • Still hates the bath which surprises me because she loved the pool in Florida!

This year has been incredible we've watched Elizabeth grow, we've watched Madison grow into an amazing big sister. To see them grow together is such a blessing. They are starting to play together and Beth has started to get excited when she sees Madison. 

Looking forward to another amazing year. 

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

A runDisney Princess In The Making - Part 3

3am Sunday morning came quickly!
I was asleep by 830 on Saturday night and didn't wake up until my alarm went off at 3am! I thought it would be tough to get up and find the motivation to get moving but it wasn't, I was up and dressed and ready to get on the bus in about 20 minutes!
I don't remember much of the bus ride to EPCOT, I think I took a quick nap! Once we got to EPCOT and started the walk to the pre race retreat area my nerves started to kick in. I wasn't sure what to expect as I had never run a half marathon and I had heard about the balloon ladies!

For those of you that haven't run a Disney race the balloon ladies are the last people to cross the starting line and keep a constant 16min mile pace. If they pass you, you are at risk of being swept- basically out on a bus and driven to the finish line. In reality I didn't have to worry about them because is started about an hour and 15min before them as I was in corral I and they were in corral P.

The walk over the starting line was about a 20min walk, before the race had even started I had already done 2.1miles. 

Once it was time for my corral I took a deep breathe watched the fire works and started my journey! 

Let's be honest the first 5 miles sucked. It was all on the highway with nothing to look at it. They had a few spots to stop for a picture with characters - the heros (Hercules, Aladdin, Flynn Ryder and someone else(?)), followed by the pirates.

The magic kingdom sign was a tease. It was still a little over a mile before you entered the actual park and not just the parking lots. 
 Once we founded the corner to Main Street I suddenly was hit with a wave of emotion. I knew I would be seeing Chris somewhere along Main Street and I knew there would be so many people cheering. It just gave me so much motivation to push through even though I was in so much pain from a blister on my little toe. 

When I saw Chris I ran over quickly threw my water bottle at him and kept going. We ran through Tomorrow Land, past the people mover, past the new mine train ride and then there it was .. The castle!! Anna, Elsa and Kristoff where on the balcony waving to everyone .. Slightly disappointed because it's Cinderella's castle so why wasn't she there?

Running through the castle was such a neat feeling! The maids were in the doorway cheering everyone one. I was truly amazed by the support from all the cast members at Disney. They were cheering for everyone even at 630am they were so happy and it really helped me in some spots! 
After the castle it was back to the roads. We ran past the golf courses, a bunch of resorts and again.. It was boring. It was starting to get hot out and we were looking right into the sun. 

At mile 8 I couldn't take it anymore, I had to stop. My foot was hurting so bad I was almost in tears with every step. I had a blister on my little toe on my right foot. I stopped at the medic tent for what I thought would be a 5min quick fix turned out to be an almost 25 full minutes with a lot of band aids and gel pads and some freezing cream.  Not only did I have a blister on the bottom of my toe, I had on the side of my foot and I couldn't get my shoe back on. Once we finally got it on I was off to finish the half. I really struggled the last bit because of my foot. I don't know why I got such horrible blisters as I had trained in the shoes I wore!  Oh well another live and learn thing!

At mile 11 we hit the last over pass into EPCOT and at that point I'm pretty sure my foot wasn't connected to my body anymore. It hurt but I couldn't feel it. It was the craziest feeling. Once we entered EPCOT and I saw the 12mile sign I kicked it into high gear and booked it to the finish .. My body wouldn't let me stop, almost like it knew if I had stopped running I would collapse. 

I had read on the blogs and Facebook groups about the gospel choir that you pass before the finish line and that was pretty awesome! Through out the race they had some different bands - drumline, highschool bands etc. A huge thank you to everyone who was encouraging us to finish the race it was great motivation!!

When I saw the finish line I was overwhelmed with crazy amounts of emotion, I didn't know if I should cry, or laugh or jump for joy! I did a little bit of all of the above. 

I crossed the line and was fighting back tears while I tried smiling but also trying to stay on my feet. I could hear Chris yelling, saying how proud he was off me. He also called me as I was walking to get my medal to say how proud he was that I finished and completed my goal! Cue the tears again.

After I finished I stopped for my official half marathon finishers photo and headed to get Glass Slipper Challenge medal! I did it! I kicked ass and could knock this off my bucket list as well and I completed a goal set a little over a year before!

Running through Disney world as the sun was rising was surreal. Being again to say I did it is surreal! I completed a half marathon!! It blows my mind!

When I finally caught up to Chris we headed over to the Team Noah tent to see my team Captain Rachel! Running with Team Noah was amazing, I can't say enough good things about the charity and everything they do. If you haven't heard about Noah's Protocol I highly suggest you check it out because if you donated to my page then you helped make Noah's Protocol possible! 

The bus ride back to the hotel was hell! I was in so much pain, I just wanted to soak in the tub and sleep. We got back to the hotel, I soaked my feet, struggled getting my flip flops on because of the blister and then we packed up and headed back to the resort my parents were at with the girls.
Sunday was gorgeous and a perfect day to sit by the pool with my family and just relax.
It was also the day I said I won't be doing it again. I finished it once I don't need to run another half... Well come Monday I was singing a different tune and plans were already being made for 2016 princess Half Marathon weekend with my mom!!!

It's going to be a tough year of training but with the support of my family and the fact my mom is also training is going to help me get through it, and knowing that I get to experience the awesomeness that is runDisney all over again makes it totally worth it! 

I have learnt so much over the past year and from the weekend .. Can't wait to get to work :) 

*** my official 10k and half pictures will be coming soon I am waiting for all of them to be identified before I order them and miss some!

Monday, March 2, 2015

A runDisney Princess In The Making - Part 2

The time has finally come and it quickly passed and I loved every exhausting minute of it! 
The race weekend started off with a visit to the Expo at ESPN Wide World Of Sports! Thursday afternoon mom and I headed over to check in and check out all the goodies. This is when it set in I was about to run at Disney World and run my first half marathon!  

The expo was a little overwhelming mainly because there was so much to see and being my first time there I wanted to see it all! First you go to one building where you check in, get your bib, t shirts, photo taken and then there are some booths on the main floor.
After building one mom and I headed over the main building to see everything!!! I wish I had the video off the gopro it was amazing! There was one booth in HAD to visit and it was Sparkly Soul! The owner is Pam- the lady whose post I saw a year earlier about the race that led me setting as a goal!!! It was so awesome to meet her and get some awesome new headbands. Girls, if you wear headbands check them out .. It didn't move at all! I wore them all week in the pool and everything. Never needed to readjust them!

Mom and I spent an hour walking the booths and we stumbled upon the runDisney booth that Jeff Galloway was at!! We got to meet him and he signed a copy of his book for my mom. I wish I had gotten a picture with him and mom oh well.. Next year!
After the expo we headed back to the camp ground BBQ and make some s'mores!

Because I was running for a charity I got 2 nights at Coronado Springs Disney Resort so Friday afternoon Chris and I headed over there to get some rest for Saturday morning!
We had a beautiful meet and greet with the rest of Team Noah and then headed to Downtown Disney for some food - bad idea it was packed, we at at the Irish place and went back and hit the sheets and get some sleep for the 10k!! But first I enjoyed a margarita- it was vacation after all!

2:45 am comes pretty fast especially when you can't fall asleep because you are filled with excitement and your so nervous about missing the bus or missing the race all together. Buses start headed to EPCOT at 3am so I figured I would get up at 2:45 get dressed and be on the 3:15 bus.. It worked out perfectly! The bus was fun! Everyone was excited and wide awake and ready to get to the race! 

Once you get to EPCOT there are tents set up for all the charities, back check tents, a medic tent, which at 4am is used for heat and rest. There was a massive stage with a dj who was leading a warm up dance party, and lots of Disney photographers everywhere... And lots and lots of tutus and tiaras!!

At 5am it was time to head to the corrals and get ready!! I was corral C (a-e) it was at this point I started regretting my decision to run, it was cold and the standing around sucked! But as the corrals started moving I started to get super excited!! Fireworks went off at the start of each corral!  Finally about 25 minutes after the first corral started we were at the starting line! 

The first part of the race was all on the highway so that part wasn't fun at all. It was rather boring. At mile 1 Anna and Elsa were hanging out on the overpass cracking jokes about it being so cold, there was even fake snow! 

There were characters along the route for photo ops - tinkerbell, mad hatter, Minnie Mouse ... I'm not sure who else, I didn't stop for any! 
There were parts of the route where the road narrows and in all those spots I got stuck behind walkers and it really slowed me down. Mile 2 also slowed me down because I had to wait in the porta potty line.
I don't remember what mile we at when we entered EPCOT, but the feeling I got was unforgettable! The music and the lake and the view was amazing. It made all those highway miles worth it! 

People were stopping everywhere to take photos.. I snapped the one above quickly ;)

The course was beautiful it takes you around the lake to the boardwalk where there were tons of people cheering us on and someone holding my favorite sign "Run like Kanye is going to give Beyonce your Medal", we ran past the beach club and yacht club where there kids waiting for high fives. After that it was back into the park for the last leg of the race!  

Once you round the final corner and you can hear the names being said at the finish line your energy picks up and you get a rush! I just wanted to cross that finish line!!  It was so awesome approaching the finish, it was more then just a line for me, it was a symbol of how far I had come in a year. I went from having baby #2 to starting running to running a 10k and getting ready to run a half marathon 24hrs later!!!
Notice the banana? I think I was more excited for that then I was for the medal at this point.

Chris was awesome he was up at 430 to catch a bus to watch the end of the race!! During the race he was sending me encouraging messages :) I couldn't have done this without him!

Running through EPCOT was surreal! It was beautiful and I got to see it in a way that not many do. I am so grateful that I had to opportunity to do this!! It has taken me a week to reflect on the race and to really appreciate it! The running portion wasn't easy but the feeling of accomplishment and ticking off another goal was amazing and made it totally worth it!

It was then time to catch the bus back to the hotel to get some sleep before we met my parents and the girls to spend the afternoon at EPCOT. Then it was early to bed (8am) to get up and get ready for the half!

Check back tomorrow 

A runDisney Princess In the Making - Part 1

In January 2014 I saw a post on Instagram by fitnycpamela about the princess half marathon. At that time I was 31 weeks pregnant and already thinking about how I was going to lose the baby weight so this post came at the best time.  

After I had Madison I didn't try to lose baby weight until about 8 months after she was born and at that point I already had bad habits and they were really hard to break, I said to myself I won't let that happen again! I started walking a few days after Beth was born with a specific goal in mind - complete the Disney Princess Half Marathon in February 2015 - w weeks before Beth turns 1. I was giving myself 50 weeks from when she was born to prepare for this race.  

Over the next few days I am going to be sharing my experiences over the past year from the decision to run The Glass Slipper Challenge to crossing the finish line!

Picking A Race
I had the support of my family and both Chris and my parents suggested I complete the Glass Slipper Challenege (a 10k and a half marathon back to back). I was thinking "are you crazy 19.3 miles between 2 days?!". I took a few days and decided I would do it!, and I would do it for a charity! 

Picking a charity was kind of tough, there are so many amazing charities that work with runDisney. I room some time to read all the different mission statements and settled on Noah's Light Foundation. If you haven't checked it out yet please visit my fundraising page there is a few days left to donate and help me reach my goal.

Running for such a great charity helped give me the extra inspiration I needed I get my butt in gear and get out there and run! 

I looked into a few different training plans and found Jeff Galloway's plans that runDisney supports and promotes. I tried to follow his plan as much as I could but sometimes life and weather create obstacles! During the summer I was doing great with the plan, but then Mother Nature decided we needed lots of snow and ice this year and that derailed all my training runs. I HATE running on a treadmill at the gym, put a treadmill in my basement and I would be fine but running at the gym is tough. There is so much going on that distracts me and if the person next to me smells or breathes funny or grunts while running .. You can't get away!!! 

Do I have regrets about training and could have have trained better - yes, 100% I have regrets BUT you live and learn. 

Horrible. My nutrition while training was horrible. I was eating well (most of the time) but I wasn't eating for what I was doing. 
Again a live and learn moment. 

Throughout the year I had lost 20lbs (not including the immediate 15lbs lost when Beth was born), I ran 4 5k races and 1 10k .. It is safe to say I have fallen in love with racing.. Not running.. Racing. I love the competitive aspect that comes with racing. I am not running to come first, I would love to and have a goal to win my age group this year at a race, but I love competing against my self and setting a new PB. 

Having the support of my family and friends this past year has been the biggest factor in all of this. Without them I wouldn't have found time to train, I wouldn't have been able to race Saturday mornings, and I forsure wouldn't have found the motivation to complete this challenge. I ran for a cajolery but I really ran for my health and to show my daughters they can do anything they want! Madison has been a great source of motivation.. She loves seeing my medals, she enjoys cheering for me and looking at race pictures. 

Check back tomorrow for a race recap!

Monday, February 9, 2015

Weekend Round Up

It's been awhile since I have done a weekend round up.. so I figured it's time to get back at it.
This weekend was a fun one (they usually are) but this one was exciting because we got to celebrate the Future Mrs Michael Murray, as well as our normal stuff - ballet, Home Goods, cleaning and general weekend stuff.

We spent Friday evening at our friends house getting to know their new puppy and ordering in pizza, which we haven't done in awhile! It was a great relaxing family night. We are so lucky to have friends that don't mind our little beauties tagging along for dinner!

Saturday morning started out like all Saturdays .. breakfast, coffee and ballet. Madison loves her ballet class and is very excited to be getting ready for her first recital in May! They have already started practicing their routine! It could be a good thing or a bad thing but Home Goods is located in the same shopping center as the dance studio. Usually I can show some restraint and skip it but this weekend something was pulling me in!
I have been searching for the perfect curtains for our living room. I thought when I was least expecting it I would find the perfect ones, and well its true! I did!  The official color is "Mallard Blue", I will call it "tealy blue" (yes I am aware tealy is not a word). I am patiently waiting for my hubby to get home so he can help me hang them! 

The best part is the price.. can you believe it? I am so glad I decided to make a quick stop in Home Goods this weekend. 

 Madison found this beautiful fake orchid and asked for it for her room.. how could I say no? I had my eye on these gorgeous red flowers. 

Sunday we headed to the Garden State to surprise my soon to be sister in law! Her sister planned a beautiful shower! It was such a fun day with games, great food and good friends! Madison is the flower girl and was so excited to be able to help Aunt Krissy open all her gifts!
I had planned to get some great pictures BUT half way there I realized my SD card was still sitting in my computer at home and NOT in the camera in my purse!

I hope you all had an amazing weekend! It is snow day #3 here today so we are doing nothing.. maybe a little packing for our upcoming trip!

Friday, February 6, 2015

11 months

Weight: approx 15lbs 

Length: 25 2/4inches (from 9 month checkup)

Milestone: Still cruising around and using her walker!

Sleep: Struggled a little this month. Beth had her first ear infection and bronchitis so sleep was tough and one night .. Non exsistant. Thankfully she's feeling better and is back to 11 hours a night in her crib!

Eating: Anything and everything! She loves grilled chicken and sweet potato pancakes.. And just like her sister- regular pancakes

Diapers: size 3s 
Clothing: Fully transitioned into size 9 month!
Mood: Great mood! She is a happy baby, she is really only fussy when she has to go to bed or she's hungry!

  • Playing with her sisters toys 
  • Eating
  • Minnie Mouse 
  • Taking her sisters toys 
  • Sitting still 
  • Bath time!!! She puts up a good fight every time!! 

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Snow day snacks & thoughts.

Somedays I feel like my day is one long drawn out scene from Family guy.. you know the one where Lois is laying in bed and Stewie is trying to get her attention by saying  "Lois, mom,mum. mommy, mama.." and she replies by yelling "WHAT!" only to have Stewie say "Hi" and run away.. well that is how my day feels.
We had our second snow day in 2 weeks yesterday and before I had kids I LOVED snow days! My brothers and I will spend the day skating in our backyard, building forts and snowmen and if we were really lucky some friends would make their way over to our house. Now as a parent I have to give my parents major props for dealing with all 3 of us on a snow day .. any day that matter that we couldn't leave the house because the roads were bad.
Madison is not quite old enough to bundle up and head outside alone yet, but I am already dreaming of that day. The day that I can sit and watch Madison and Elizabeth build forts, throw snowballs and go sledding.. all from the comfort and warmth of my house.
Don't get me wrong I love playing with my kids and I would do anything for them, but when you can't even go to the bathroom without someone knocking on the door or someone yelling "Mom, Beth is in Bailey's water" ; you need a break!

 Our snow days were spent playing play dough, reading books, keeping Beth away from Bailey's water dish, watching Madison practice ballet and laundry, lots of laundry.
Chris was working.. BOTH snow days.. so he misses out on the fun ;)

Yesterday I decided it was time to shake things up in Madison's room! Please excuse the mess in the before photo as my daughter didn't want to clean her room up after 2 hours of quiet play!
I decided to move things around to give her a little more space to play and a little more organization. 
The white shelving piece you see in the bottom left corner is now where her bed USED to be .. and filled with books and a few baskets of toys!
Over all we are happy with the results.. now to think of some fun things to put on her gallery wall above the white shelving unit!
 Finding snacks for Madison is always tough, she is a cookies and Pirate Booty kinda girl.. but she is now on a low fructose diet (fructose intolerant) so snack time is going to get fun. I feel like if I say it's going to be fun it will keep me from stressing over what she can have!
So far her (and my) favorite snack are these adorable peanut butter banana bites! I found them on 
 Katherine Snead's Instagram (if you don't follow her .. you should!). She makes them for her active pre teens so I figured I would give them a shot and they didn't disappoint.
Next time I'm bringing out the Nutella!

All the photos in this post are from my Instagram feel free to check it out and follow! I'm giving you fair warning it's alot of photos of my family :)

As always I'm throwing in a friendly reminder that I am running in the Disney Princess Half Marathon Weekend in a little over 2 weeks (YIKES!)! I am still working hard to collect donations for the charity I am running for - Noahs Light Foundation. Please click the link below and help me raise money to find a cure for pediatric cancer.