I've fallen off the blogging band wagon .. Time to jump back on!
First off Happy St Patricks day to everyone! We celebrated yesterday by going into the city for the NYC St Pats parade. It was a big day of firsts for our big girl .. First train ride, first cab ride, first time eating in the city! It was such a long 5 hours but Madison handled it like a pro! And as soon as we got home she took a nice long 2 hour nap! Everyone including our dog napped yesterday. Then it was off to dinner with a great group of friends and family ... We also found out Madison is going to have a new friend and birthday buddy come October!! Our good friends Mike and Carla are expecting their first baby! We couldn't be happier for them!
Alright so in the past few months Madison has gone from being a "baby" to a running toddler! She is even talking alot! Well it's more babble BUT she repeats it and gets upset if we don't understand her! Seems like she's going to be ready to start preschool in September!
Both Chris and I have been busy also , aside from chasing after Madison. Chris recently started working at "the rock" which is where the fire academy is... He is still working at his fire house in the Bronx , this is just an awesome over time Job with the FDNY. He loves it!! It gets to work with the flashover simulator .. Basically he lights fires all day!
As for me ... I've been working at the bar but have cut back my hours to spend more time with our little lady as the warmer weather comes! As side from that I've been working with a trainer and doing Pilates and running alot!!! I've decided to document my weight loss in another blog (guess I need to do that post too!) I will post the link to it on here :).
Today also happens to be Chris' twin brothers Tim and PJ's 27th birthday!! So we've got some celebrating to do later! Here are some pictures from the past few months!
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