This year has gone by so fast.. Our family has so much excitement in 2013. We found out we are expecting again, we sold our house, bought a new house, Madison started school, I started a new job and Chris started playing hockey for 2 different teams. We are ending this awesome year by starting a new incredible life changing year!
We are used to being a family of 3 so come march when we are a family of 4 it will take some adjusting.
I'm not going to lie I am a little nervous about about being a mother to 2 .. Especially since one of those little sweet hearts is currently going through her terrible twos, but the past week has made me realize how lucky I am .. Even when Madison is kicking and fighting because she wants to wear her princess shoes and dress outside in the little snow we have.
Anyways thing have calmed down here for the time being so I figured it was time to share with you our amazing Christmas memories. For Christmas Eve Madison, my mother in law and father in law and I headed to New Jersey to spend the evening with our future sister in laws family. We had a great time. Madison was so excited when we got home about Santa coming that she didn't fall asleep until 11!!! Lucky me she did sleep until 7 so holding her off until 830 when Chris came home wasn't hard. She was very patient!
After we opened our gifts we headed over to Chris parents house for breakfast with the family. Madison was so helpful she was passing out gifts and very thankful for everything she got! Later in the day we headed back over to their house for more gifts and dinner. I got the best gift of all... My parents and one brother surprised me by coming a day early!!! Madison got the most amazing gift.. Hockey helmet and skates!!!! (Thanks uncle Ryan)
The day after Christmas we tested out our new crate and barrel waffle dipper pan, the chef did an amazing job.
After breakfast we headed out for a little shopping and lunch. Madison was so tired she fell asleep in the stroller (something she rarely does).

We headed home and rested for abit and then headed up to the new house to show my parents ans Brett! They loved it!! It's making us more excited to move in! We got some amazing news that the bank gave us clearance to close!! So as soon as the survey is done it's moving time!! 2 weeks is what they are saying! Wooooo!
Later that evening we headed back to Chris' parents for one more Christmas dinner. Madison had a great time playing with her cousins Bella, Jake and Ryan!

Today is a much calmer day..we had breakfast at my in laws and the girls played for hours! They danced, ran around and beat up big cousins Jake!
This was definately a Christmas to remember! The memories we made will last a lifetime, Madison is growing up to be such a good little lady and is going to be an amazing big sister.
I hope you all had an amazing weeks with your loved ones. The next few weeks are going to be filled with picking up our paint and backsplash tiles and Madison's new closet system ... So I am going to enjoy a few peaceful days before the craziness starts all over again!!
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