Monday, April 7, 2014

1 month .. Slow down

Please slow down time, I know I know, seems a little silly considering a few weeks ago I was hoping it would speed up so we could meet our little one and now I am wishing it would slow down so I can spend more time with the girls. I want more time to listen to Madison singing to Beth, more time to see Beth's little smiles and more time to just be a mom.
This past month has gone by super fast, and I know I said I would be doing a monthly post but unfortunately you will need to wait until Wednesday for Beth's 1 month update. We had to wait until after April 6th to have her appt as she is getting shots and it needs to be done a certain amount of time after her previous shots. In a perfect world it would have been today because I hate putting appts off BUT since it's Chris 30th birthday I didn't want us to have a potentially unhappy baby at dinner! Wednesday it is :)

In the meantime if your interested here is the 
Mommy Update 

Weight loss: 16lbs - 10lbs to go-  I haven't been concentrating on losing the weight because I am breast feeding and still trying to figure out life with 2 children

Exercise: Been out walking a few times on the few nice days we've had! We have a gorgeous park down the road from us that has just over 6miles around of paths! I can't wait for the nicer weather. I am starting this week with watching what I eat.. Not restricting calories because of the breast feeding, but I'm back to clean eating and tons of veggies and fruits! I am also starting some working out a home and the gym on days I can make it!

Breast or bottle: exclusively breastfeeding- also pumping so I can go back to work after Easter.

Sleeping: yes!!! I'd love to be able to nap but most days the girls won't nap at the same time. Luckily we get 6 solid hours a night.. In one shot!

Baby schedule: getting a little loser to having a schedule..usually the day for Beth starts between 7 and 8 she wakes up to eat, gets dressed and has a nap...  3-3.5hrs later she's up again to eat but this time she usually stays awake a little longer. This is how the day continues... Every 3 hours or so she is eating until about 10/11 At night then it's bed time for us both and she is up to eat between 4 and 5 and then sleeps and it starts all over again!

Mood: usually good, sometimes I'm a little cranky if I don't sleep or if it's been a rough day .. Beth screaming non stop and Madison not listening etc..happens a few times a week. 

Check back Wednesday for Beth's 1month update!!!

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