My 25th year was a fun, trying and wild ride. We found out we were expecting our second little one a few months before my birthday, we decided to sell our townhouse and move 25min north, we lived with my brother in law for 2 months during the move. We moved into a our new house when I was 32 weeks pregnant, we welcomed our second little lady into the world. So many amazing things happened... We are so lucky to have each other and our health.
I decided to set 26 goals for my 26th year!
- Drink at least 5 glasses of water per day (I am horrible about drinking water)
- Paint our kitchen.
- Run 2 half marathons.
- Drink only one cup of coffee per day.
- Do the 9+1 to qualify for the 2016 NYC marathon!
- Finish my personal training certification.
- Plan and go on a kid-free vacation for Chris and I to celebrate our 5th anniversary.
- Keep kitchen counter clutter-free!
- Cook dinner at least 4 times a week.
- Buy a new fridge & Redo kitchen floor.
- Become active in church.
- Prioritize monthly date night with Chris.
- Pay off our SUV loan and buy a new car!
- Teach Beth to crawl and walk!
- Teach Madison how to skate!
- Read 1 book a month .. I am open to suggestions.
- Lift heavy at twice once a week.
- Stick to a budget.
- Make sure all my mascara is off before going to bed .. Black marks on pillows aren't pretty.
- Eat clean 80% of the time.
- Travel to a new place.
- Continue working out and getting into the best shape of my life.
- Spend more time working on letters and numbers with Madison.
- Have a weekly movie night with Madison with our phones on do not disturb... Even if Chris is working.
- Put in a play structure in for the girls.
- Make our bed every day, and teach Madison how to make hers.
These goals are all over the over place, sorry for that!
Check back in 6 months to see the progress!
Back to enjoying my tea before the girls wake up and we start our day.
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