Last weekend I ran my first ever 10k, I have run 3 5ks this summer, which was less then I hoped for but things happen. I needed a 10k to have a time to submit for my half marathon in February!
The weekend itself was extremely busy so I wasn't fully rested for the race. I woke up at 415 Sunday morning and jumped on the train to the city. The race was on Roosevelt Island to I got to cross something off my NYC bucket list - ride the tram!!
Once over on the island I headed to Starbucks for a pre race pick me up! It was freezing cold and windy so I stayed in Starbucks for as long as I could!
Once it got a little closer to race time I started getting good luck messages and I started to get butterflies in my stomach. I sort of had a time goal of 1:09:13 which would be an 11:15 per mile pace. My other goal was to finish.
I am proud to say I finished :)
Here is my official time and results
It was slower then I originally wanted but it was the first time I ran in the colder weather, it was the first time I've run more then 4.5miles and well I didn't properly train. Training has started for my races at Disney in February .. I hope to run my 10k with a time of 62min!
I've had so many things that have attributed to my setbacks in the past 2 months.. Getting back on a work schedule has been one.. I sub at a preschool so my weeks are unpredictable, even if my plan is to take Madison to school and head to the gym it doesn't always go that way! Chris has been working a different schedule as well so my 5am gym workouts are out of the picture since he leaves at 530am! I have no motivation to work out at home at that time. Evening workouts are tough because that's time I get with the girls and Chris or to finish any household chores I need to finish.
Lastly I have some medical issues that workout against me.. Litterally. My body attacks itself. I have Hashimotos Thyroiditis. Short story- my body produces thyroid antibodies that attack my thyroid. It is all easily controlled by taking medicine daily.. BUT I have not taken my medication since May... At my doctors recommendation. My levels were in a good place then and we wanted to see if it was a fluke or if I am part of the small percentage of people that just get over it!
Well I'm not one of those people. Your body actually stores thyroid hormone and that's what happened back in May and slowly my levels have been getting messed up again. I have been gaining weight (totally against what I'm doing), exhausted at all times, hair loss, mood swings, and intolerance to cold.
As of this morning I am back on my medication and am hopeful my levels will be better in a few weeks when I go back for more testing!
Hopefully in the coming weeks I will be back to my motivated self ;)
Here a few photos from my race .. If you need some motivation think about this - 1 year ago I was pregnant with my 2nd child, had never run more then the miles required by whatever team I was on and now I am finishing 10ks!
Doesn't matter what your skill level, fitness level or weight.. You can do it!!!