Friday, June 6, 2014

3 months

Where have the last 3 months gone?


Weight: we go for a weight check next Thursday but she was 8lbs 6oz 3 weeks ago!
Length: 21 1/2inches 

 Sleep: Amazing. I realize how lucky we are to have 2 amazing sleepers. Beth usually goes to bed between 9 and 10 and will sleep until 430/630! It all depends on the day!

Eating: SO MUCH BETTER!!! Beth is still taking Zantac 3 times a day to help with her reflux and she is drinking nutramigen and loving it!! The spitting up is not nearly as bad as it was! Finally able to feed her without needing to change myself or her! Currently getting 3-4oz every 3 hours!

Diapers: still rocking those size 1's... Actually looking into cloth diapers for the summer since I will be home with her all day! Anyone have any experience??

Clothing: Her white undershirts are still newborn. BUT we've packed up all the other newborns and moved onto 3 months this week. Some 3 month is still a little big but she needs the length. She's following her sisters footsteps!
Mood: I would say 90% of the time she's in a great mood!! She's only fussy when she is hungry or she has a wet diaper!

  • Her big sister singing to her.
  • Watching the ceiling fan!
  • Her rattle 
  • The sound of daddy's voice!
  • Being put in her car seat 
  • Being hungry
  • Being alone! She loves having someone in the room with her. She doesn't need them to be playing with her she just needs to know someone is there
Big sister Madison

Well Madison is still loving being a big sister!!! Today is Madison's 2nd last day of school! Then she is off until camp starts June 30th!


Weight loss: -29 lbs!! I've officially lost all the baby weight (as of last week!) now it's time to step it up lose the left over Madison weight and tone!!
Exercise: lots!! Been running a ton! Ran my first 5k on Mother's Day and now I'm hooked! I ran a trail 5k this last Sunday I beat my previous 5k time by 10 seconds. The race was not my favorite it was mostly uphill (Yikes) and trail. Rather stick to roads. Also back at the gym. Completed my first BURN class in over a year last night and I missed it! I feel great!
Breast or bottle: bottle.. Last month for this question as we aren't going back to breastfeeding 
Sleeping: yes!!
Baby schedule: up at 430 to eat 3oz and then back to bed until about 730. She eats every 3 hours and usually naps In between! But she has been staying up during the day more!
Mood: Great! Those pregnancy hormones are finally getting back to normal!!


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