Friday, June 27, 2014

A day in our life - part 2

As promised our typical day with Daddy Home.

Our day never goes as planned because Chris volunteers for the local fire dept, so when he's home from work he goes to every call he can make!

4:15am - I still try to get up early to get to the gym, but some mornings like this morning I am just to tired! 

6:00am - Sometimes Beth will wake up earlier for her first feeding other times she sleeps in but her first feeding is always done before 6:30am. We use the time after the feeding to hang out and have mommy and Beth time!

7:00am - Madison's up and ready to go! She will usually go in and lay in our bed and watching cartoons with Chris while I get her breakfast ready.

Then our day starts! The days that Chris is home are usually reserved for all the errands or chores that can't be done while he's at work. Once a week the lawn is mowed, we do our big grocery shop for the next 2 weeks and I try to get as much laundry done as I can while Chris keeps the girls occupied!

12:00pm - lunch time for all followed by nap time! It's during this time I can get things ready for dinner! Also during nap time is when Chris will mow the lawn or do any errands he needs to do!

3:00pm - Play time! 

6:00pm - Dinner time .. Followed by whatever Chris has planned for the night! He plays softball and hockey. We try to make the earlier games so we can avoid the "super tired meltdowns". 

8:00pm - Bed time! 

After that is time for Chris and I to catch up on our shows, talk and I usually fall asleep within 10min of any movie we start. 

Our days are about to change again!! Monday morning 6:50am we will be out the door!

Can't wait to share our busy summer days with you and tell you all about Madison's camp experience!!


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