Our due date was moved.. making today 35 weeks!!!
Our due date is now March 13th .. a whole 4 days earlier.. woahhh!
How far along are you?: 35 weeks
Total weight gain: 19
Maternity clothes? Yes.
Stretch marks? nothing new
Sleep: would love to get 5 hours straight!
Best moment this week: Madison asking for a puppy.. not a baby
Miss Anything? sleep, working out, coffee..
Movement: yes.. lots! This baby loves kicking me!
Food cravings: cheese sticks!
Anything making you queasy or sick: nothing special but I feel morning sickness is coming back.
Gender predictions: I'm still thinking boy .. Chris said boy the other day.. but he's not sure!
Labor Signs: not this week!
Belly Button in or out? In .. Never popped with Madison.
Wedding rings on or off? on.. dont think they are coming off anytime soon!
Happy or Moody most of the time: happy, happy happy
Looking forward to: a healthy baby in a few weeks!
This week was one of good news.. the baby grew!!
A few weeks ago, if you remember, we were concerned about intrauterine growth restriction... and today was our confirmation ultrasound and we can confirm.. IUGR is NOT an issue!!
The baby gained a little over a pound in the past 2 weeks! The estimated weight is 4lbs 11oz and it is measuring 34 weeks (so only a week behind).
The baby is healthy and our doc said we should still be prepared for a smaller baby in the 6lbs range.
Madison was 7lbs 4oz so I am ok with 6lbs!
I will continue to go in 2 times a week for ultrasounds to make sure the fluid and blood flow is good, we are not sure what causes the small stunt in growth so the docs want to make sure we keep an eye on things!
I feel like a massive amount of stress just walked out the door! Maybe now I can sleep...
Tomorrow is back to work for me and back to school for Madison. We enjoyed 2 snow days this week both of which fell on the days we work/go to school!
One more week of school left then its winter break! We have a few fun things planned for that week .. including a trip to the children's museum of Manhattan!
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