So many things are running through my mind this week - are we ready for this baby? will Madison accept another little one around, will I ever sleep again?, what will labor be like this time?
I know you can never truly be 100% ready for a baby because there are so many unknowns, will the baby be healthy, will the baby breastfeed easily or will it need formula, will the baby have sensitive skin and need a certain diaper etc.. BUT it is still something that runs through the mind of all parents and parents to be. How will we handle this!?
We got really lucky with Madison sleep wise, she slept in 3 hour clips consistently from the day we brought her home and that gradually grew to 12 hour nights.. so we can only hope this baby is the same way. On the feeding side of things we weren't so lucky .. She didn't take to breastfeeding at all so we needed to switch to formula. At 6 weeks old Madison was admitted to the Children's Hospital for 3 nights due to a stomach bug, it was also discovered then that she had reflux and needed medication daily to be able to keep her food down! It was an easy fix and she has no problems now.
This has made me decide that this time around I am going to exclusively pump, I know the benefits of breastfeeding but for me and what we went through with Madison, I am not ready for that again. So pumping is the best way to get the baby the nutrition it needs!
As for Madison accepting having a little baby around the house .. only time will tell! She LOVES other kids and other babies, so I can only hope this continues! It is going to be a massive change for all of us, we will need to learn to divide our time between the two but also spend time with both children together so Madison doesn't feel like she is being pushed out or any less important.
She has already started her "jobs" to help out around the house... feeding Bailey, picking up her toys, putting things in the garbage etc, little things that any 2.5 year old should be able to do! Hopefully this helpfulness continues in the next few months!
Labor.. well there is no way to tell how labor will be this time. This is not something you can predict, and no matter what you want to happen it doesn't always go the way to you planned.
I was always told to have a birth plan, well that went right out the window with Madison.
Original Madison Birth Plan
- Labor should start while Chris is home and not stuck at work
- Monitor contractions and head to hospital when they are 4-7 min apart
- Once admitted - get epidural
- Have painless labor and have a baby
As you can see NOWHERE in the plan was go into labor in the middle of the night and not realize it because you spent 6 hours throwing up, having back pains (which you later found out were contractions 3 minutes apart), have this all happen when Chris had to be in Brooklyn at 530am for work, drive the flooded SawMill in the middle of a massive rainstorm.
It also didn't include needing pitocin because I wasn't progressing, epidural running out (ya that was a treat!) or laying in the hospital for 16 hours before our little one decided to finally come out!
Birth Plan for Baby #2
- Whatever happens, happens
This time it doesn't matter when it happens, or where it will happen when it needs to happen. I do know I want an epidural again (I don't do pain), I would love for it not to run out this time! If I can avoid pitocin that would be great because when I got to 8cm every contraction would drop Madison's heart rate drastically so they had to stop the pitocin.
I would also LOVE for this baby to make its way to the world a little faster then his or her big sister but only time will tell!
We had another NST today (done once a week now because of size of baby), I had a few good contractions, but not consistent enough to be concerned on the bright side.. we might get to meet this little one sooner then we thought.. Doc doesn't think we will be making it to 40 weeks as the baby is super low!
Which I am totally fine with .. I have hit the "I am done point", I am just so uncomfortable because of the baby's low position.
Check back later this week for a 37/full term update!!!
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