How far along are you?: 38 weeks
Total weight gain: 24lbs
Maternity clothes? Yes, BUT I can still fit into my non- maternity favorite jeans :)
Stretch marks? nothing new
Sleep: I nap alot .. sleep at night comes and goes.
Best moment this week: Taking Madison to her "sibling tour" at the hospital
Miss Anything? Walking up stairs without getting winded.
Movement: yes a lot!!
Food cravings: nothing this week
Anything making you queasy or sick: nauseous at bedtime.
Gender predictions: I think boy but it's probably a girl.
Labor Signs: lots of cramping, contractions and the baby has dropped!
Belly Button in or out? In .. Never popped with Madison.
Wedding rings on or off? on.. dont think they are coming off anytime soon!
Happy or Moody most of the time: happy, happy happy
Looking forward to: meeting our little boy or girl any day now!
This week was an exciting one, we found out at our Monday appointment that I am definitely progressing and our doctor thinks this baby will be here before our March 13th due date (would be nice because its so low its uncomfortable!) We have our second appointment of the week tomorrow so here is hoping we are closer!
People have been giving me different wants to induce labor at home.. so far NOTHING has worked. Chris has been making me eat spicy food and chinese food, I have been taking Evening Primrose Oil, started drinking Red Raspberry Leaf Tea.
Chris was awesome enough to go to GNC the other day to pick up the tea for me and the lady told him "It's buy one get one 50% off" to which Chris responded "I hope my wife doesn't need two".
We had some help from my brother in law Mike last weekend with the baby's room. He and Chris installed the fan/light!
We have the crib set up and the dresser and few little items, diapers, wipes, first aid items and rocking chair in the room but we have decided NOT to paint until the baby is here. I know I want to do gray and pink or gray and navy blue depending on the gender of our little one!
It has been so hard NOT finding out the gender this time around as we have so many girl clothes that we could part with if we are having a boy, but also the adorable nautical themed clothing in all the stores is calling my name. The girl's clothing this time around is just as cute and nautical as well.
Between my sister in law and myself I hope one of us has a boy so that I can buy the cute boy clothes with whales and anchors!
This week Madison got to go on a "Sibling Tour" of the hospital. This was such an awesome experience for both of us. There was one other little boy who is 6 months older then Madison, the two of them got along great.
The tour started with a quick video about siblings and families. Neither of the kids were really into sitting still and watching the video, so they decided to dance and run around. After the video we got to go into the "alligator" (translation = elevator) and headed up to the maternity ward .. while there we got to see a room where I will be staying and then came the big part of the tour.. The Nursery.
We got really lucky, there was a 12hr old baby that Madison got to see. Her eyes lit up, she asked if she could take him, she had a hard time understanding that it wasn't our baby and in a few weeks we will have a baby to take home. After the nursery we headed back downstairs and Madison got to learn how to change a diaper.. and since then all she wants to do is change her dolls diapers.
Lets hope she is this helpful once the baby arrives!
This weekend is a very exciting one in the Murray house.. My parents otherwise known as "Opa and Grammy" are coming! Madison has been counting down the days to their arrival and today is the day Opa comes and Grammy is flying in tomorrow!
Their visit is going to short and sweet but its just what we all need! They are actually coming because my brothers, chris and I got them tickets to George Strait and Martina McBride for Christmas so this is their big date weekend :)
This is also the first time they will be seeing the house since we moved in! They saw it about 3 weeks before we moved so they are in for a big surprise with all the work!
Time to go and bake some cookies with Madison as she is requesting "chocolate chippy cookies"
Hope your all having a fabulous week!
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