Thursday, March 13, 2014

What a week

So hard to believe this was our due date and here I am typing this blog with our beautiful 1 week old little girl beside me!
We came home on Saturday and it has been non stop around here between the 2 girls and just life in general! 
Dear time please slow down!!!

Beth Update
- umbilical cord fell off today.. Yay no more worrying about rubbing it the wrong way when holding her or changing her!!
- eating like a champ every 2-4 hours depends on the day
- slept 6 hours last night (my sanity is slowly coming back)
- swimming in her newborn clothes - just like her big sister
- at docs appt she was 5lbs 15oz and they were shocked at how strong her neck is.. Again just like her big sister.

Mommy Update 

Weight loss: 15 down - 11 to go! (Officially had gained 26lbs on delivery day)

Exercise: I haven't started yet, have been waiting until we are on more of a schedule feeding wise .. Will start walking and light exercises in the next 2 weeks.

Breast or bottle: exclusively breastfeeding- wasn't able to breast feed Madison so this is a new experience for all of us.

Sleeping: well yes actually. Usually 3-4 hours at a time at night!

Baby schedule: not yet. Too early but she is pretty consistent with a long morning nap and long afternoon nap. And nighttime depends like I said last night she did 6hours in a row but it's usually 3-4.

Mood: pretty decent, had a minor breakdown our first night home, I think it finally hit me that we now had 2 children!!

Madison is still getting used to things as well, she loves her little sister but at the same time doesn't understand why she constantly needs our attention. While Beth naps we try to spend that time with Madison either watching a movie! coloring or letting her play doctor and constantly check our ears!

Come on spring!!!

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