Weight: 9lbs 0oz as of Monday June 30th
Length: 21 1/2inches (from 3 month check.. we go again next Tuesday)
Sleep: Great! Usually goes together between 9-10 and sleeps until 6 or 7! She takes little cat naps during the day along with 2 long 3 hour naps!
Eating: Finally able to say : AMAZING!! Beth is doing great on her new amino acid formula! She was eating 3oz every 3 hours but 2 hours later she was hungry, so we have upped it to ever 4oz every 3-4hours depending on Beth's desire to eat! The exciting thing is we get to try solids this month!!!
Diapers: still rocking those size 1's! I am super excited, yes I am saying that about diapers, but Target now carries HONEST PRODUCTS!!!!
Clothing: Most of her clothes are 3 months but she still wears a lot of newborn. No swimsuits fit her because they only make them 0-6 months and we are still struggling with 0-3 from some places! Most of her clothes are from Gap or Carters.
Mood: Her mood changes from hour to hour.. mostly happy but she is teething so some days she is very upset!
- Watching the ceiling fan!
- Facing outwards to see what's going on.
- Kisses from our dog!
- Not seeing whats happening around her.
- When her big sister takes her toys.
Big sister Madison
Madison had just finished her 1st week of camp and is LOVING IT!!!
She has passed 2 swimming levels already! She is now a minnow working on tadpole!
She is in a group with a few friends from school but is also making new friends! They get to play sports, do drama, arts and crafts and cook!! This week in cooking they made apple crisp!
Madison is happy to be spending this weekend with her cousin Bella who is down to visit!
I think this will be the last monthly Mommy update. I will do another 6 months post partum and a 1 year post partum!
Weight loss: I am now 9lbs below my pre pregnancy weight! I am still working on losing weight but also toning!
Exercise: Not as much as I was hoping. It was a crazy month with weddings, school ending, camp starting etc... Now that we are back on schedule I will be back to walking or running in the mornings with Beth when Madison's at camp or I will take her with me to the gym!
Sleeping: yes!!
Baby schedule: Check out the following posts!
Mood: Great!
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