Tuesday, July 1, 2014

A day in our life - part 3

Well here we go! 
Our summer schedule is pretty hectic but that makes every minute we get the girls even more special! 
Wednesday and Fridays I have Ryan (Chris cousin son). He is a great kid! Madison and him get along so well! On those days we are our the door at 650 to get him at 730! 

4-5:00am- wake up time for mommy! Time to get a small work out in and if possible a shower!

6:00am- Beth wakes up to eat! We usually have a little play time before Madison's is up!

7:00am- Madison is up and ready to eat! We get dressed grab our camp stuff and get ready to leave!

7:50am- Out the door on our way to camp for an 8:25 drop off!

8:25- 12:15pm- Beth and I try to get a walk in if it's not super hot, Beth eats every 3 hours, we have lots of play time before we head over to pick up Madison.

12:15-4:00pm- The odd day I have another Ryan that my mother in law babysits. He comes after his came is done and Madison and Ryan play and swim all afternoon! Days I don't have Ryan we either go home or hang out at Chris' parents house to swim!!

6:00pm- Dinner time!

7:00pm- Bath time and time to read books before bed!

8:00pm- Bedtime for Madison! 

9:30-1030pm- Beth's last feeding and bedtime!

All of this is around our usually household chores, errands and everyday life!
Happy Canada Day to all our Canadian family and friends!

We had a bit of a kink in the schedule this week. Madison missed camp today because Beth, Madison and I all had high  fevers. BUT good news we are all on the up and up and Madison's back at camp tomorrow! 


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