Monday, November 25, 2013

24 weeks or 30 days not sure which I'm more excited for ...

This post is a little different because of the move .. There is no chalkboard :( .. I have the board but can't find my chalk!!! So for your viewing pleasure ... The bump!!
How far along are you? 24 weeks  
Have you started to show? Yes .. I don't think I will say no to this anymore 
Total weight gain: 12lbs
Maternity clothes? Yes, my normal jeans aren't comfortable anymore they fit but the belt digs into the bump when I sit. 
Stretch marks?  Just what's left over from Madison 
Sleep: my sleep is getting much better,
Best moment this week: The baby getting hiccups! Love the feeling!
Miss Anything? My daily workouts and running .. Can't wait to start working out again 
Movement: yes, Madison has felt it too!
Food cravings: cheesecake 
Anything making you queasy or sick: some smells
Gender predictions: I'm stuck on boy.. Chris is thinking girl  Madison changes her answer daily 
Labor Signs: no .. Let's keep it that way!
Belly Button in or out? In .. Never popped with Madison.
Wedding rings on or off? on.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy 
Looking forward to: thanksgiving dinner! Followed by Black Friday and outlet Saturday shopping :) 

So far we've spent a little over a week at "uncle Mikey's" house and it's been an adjustment for us all. Mikey's slowly getting used to a toddler running around, the dogs are loving all the play time, Chris and I are trying to get used to sharing a room with Madison and NOT waking up every time she moves. As for Madison she is loving it here tons of room to run, she walks to school, and there is always someone home to play with!

Contracts are signed for the new place so hopefully more news on that move in the next few weeks! Having thanksgiving this week slows down the mortgage process as no one works for a few days!!

Happy Thanksgiving... 30 days until Christmas!!!

Sunday, November 17, 2013


A little David Bowie reference in the title there ... 
As many of you know we have a lot of changes going on in our little family right now .. Expanding from a family of 3 to 4, selling our house, buying our house, Madison's new schedule, my new job etc ... It's a lot!!!
Friday at 5pm we came "homeless" .. We had officially sold our house and didn't own any property. Now we aren't actually homeless we are living with Chris brother Mike about 3 miles from where we used to live. It was awesome of him to offer his home to us .. It's not easy taking in a toddler, your brother, pregnant sister in law and their dog especially when he also has a dog... But it works!
It's going to take some getting used to as we are now all sharing a room. The past 2 nights have been great Madison gets time to lay in our bed and watch Dora (her favorite bedtime show) and then she crawls into her bed and goes to sleep. Chris and I try to avoid going into the room until we know she is fast asleep!
Once we are confident enough that she will not wake up we crawl into bed watch a little tv and hope Madison sleeps through the night... So far so good, it's me that doesn't sleep through the night .. Thanks to baby Murray's 2am dancing parties! 
One awesome thing about Mike's house is our commute to work and school has been cut down hugely ... We don't even need to drive anymore! Mike shares a fence with the school property so Madison gets to walk to school and I to work! 
Madison is having a ball living here she loves playing with the dogs and uncle Mikey! Never a dull moment.

As for the new house we are still hoping for a mid December close... We are waiting for our mortgage approval so we can set a closing .. Cross your fingers it doesn't take to long. I am really hoping we are in at least 5 days before Christmas so we can put up a tree and decorate!!

Here is a little picture of Madison with all her friends at Mima's house 
Madison, Ryan (Chris cousins son), Ryan and Ellie