Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Elizabeth Joy...

Well here is it .. Elizabeth's birth story. I have been hesitating about writing thing because 
1. Do people really want the details?
2. Do I really want to share it?

Well after some thinking I realized over the course of my pregnancy I read ALOT of birth stories, mostly about second children, then last week it became more about being induced.. So if other people's stories helped me then why not share ours!

It really all started last Monday March 3rd, We went for the 1st of our weekly appointments and the doctor said everything is good and the baby is super super low. After we talked about hockey for abit (Ya our doctor is pretty awesome.. huge Rangers fan and had drove to Montreal that weekend for Habs vs Toronto) anyways, after that conversation I brought up being induced because of the infection I had and the severe amount of pain I was in from that and also from the position of the baby. 
Dr. Berck decided that because of everything and the fact I would be 39 weeks on Thursday it would be ok. So we left our appointment knowing we would be getting a phone call with our day and time to head to the hospital.

We found out on Tuesday that we would need to be at the hospital at 7am on Thursday March 6th. It suddenly hit us that we would be meeting out 2nd little one that day! 
Wednesday was spent enjoying the last day with only one child, we took Madison to school and headed to Buy Buy Baby to pick up a few last minute things we needed. After that it was all about Madison for the rest of the day!
We dropped Madison off at Chris' parents and Chris and I headed to "The Cabin" for dinner!

Thursday morning came up pretty fast (helped that we both got a great sleep), we were up and out the door by 6:20am! Once we got to the hospital, they started me on an IV and told us the doctor would be in at 8 to check everything and we would be starting the pitocen, and then there would be NO turning back!

At about 8:20am the started the pitocen drip, I was feeling great, had some painful contractions but nothing really serious. I was trying to sleep a little before I needed to do some work. During all this Chris had to run home because our thermostat was telling us it was offline .. so we had to make sure it was working since our dog was home all day!
He came back and was hoping that there had been some progress but nope, nothing. Around 1130 I decided to get my epidural, not because of pain but because I was still feeling good enough to sit still for it! At 12:15pm the doc broke my water. I thought things would pick up at that point but NOPE! Still the same as I was at 8am. I was starting to get a little worried this was never going to happen, or I would be sitting there for hours!

At 3pm I was still not progressing, our doc and nurse both said this baby would be born between 3 and 4 so I was certain they were wrong but they kept saying no, it would be soon.

To my surprise my parents showed up at 3:35pm, they said they would try to make it but couldn't promise it would be that day but they said they would come friday. So I was very happy to see them. Around the same time the nurse came in and put me on oxygen because the baby's heart rate was dropping with each contraction. At 3:50 I told the nurse I was feeling pressure so my parents left the room so I could be checked and sure enough it was Go Time! 

Suddenly I was not so ready for this to happen, all day I had been waiting for those words "its time to push" but now that it was finally hear the memories of Madison's birth suddenly came flooding back, I remembered the pain and the 2 hours I pushed.

At around 3:55 it all started, I pushed about 12 times and at 4:17pm our little Lady was born!
Elizabeth Joy
6lbs 6oz 19 1/2inches.

 Chris called his parents when we found out it was time to push and he was texting his mom between pushes to tell them to hurry, little did we know that in the short drive (25min) they baby would already be born! Chris waited to go tell my parents about the baby until his parents and Madison were there. 
Madison was the first to come in and see her baby sister, her reaction was priceless "Elizabeth so cuuuttteee"
First family picture

Madison was so in love with her little sister, we all are. 
Elizabeth is a mini Madison, she looks just like her sister, except Elizabeth's hair is slightly darker.

This is as we were about to leave the hospital, we had another wonderful experience at Northern Westchester Hospital. All of our nurses were incredible, they were so nice and helpful and super knowledgable! I would recommend this hospital to anyone! Since having Madison they updated all the beds, and the menu, seriously best hospital food I have ever had!

The past week has been such a joy, it had its tough moments, such as the first night home (no sleep) and trying to keep Madison from feeling like she is left out. It has been and will continue to be a learning experience, its tough BUT its worth it!

Thank you to everyone for your congratulatory messages and phone calls!
Off to spend some time with my almost 1 week old!

And since the weekly bumpdate posts are done, I have decided to do something a little different each week on Thursdays. 
Stay tuned to see what I've got in store!


Friday, March 7, 2014

And we have a ...

healthy, happy, beautiful baby GIRL!!!!
Elizabeth Joy was born 3/6/2014 at 4:17pm, 6lbs 6oz 19 1/2inches. 
She is Madison's mini me! 
We are all so in love with our newest princess and can't wait to see Elizabeth and Madison grow up together.

I can't wait to get home this weekend and write her birth story.

Thank you to everyone for your kind works of support and congratulations!


Wednesday, March 5, 2014

39 weeks and done counting

Well the time has come for the last of the weekly "bump-date" posts!
I know, I know its a day early .. BUT that is because tomorrow March 6th we will be a little busy welcoming our little one to the world!
I am set to be induced at 7am!

How far along are you?: 39 weeks 
Total weight gain: 24lbs
Maternity clothes? Yes, but not much longer
Stretch marks?  nothing new
Sleep: slept very well this past week!
Best moment this week: Find out we would be induced on March 6th!
Miss Anything? Walking up stairs without getting winded.
Movement: it has slowed down... baby has been sleeping lots in preparation to meet us!
Food cravings: nothing this week
Anything making you queasy or sick: nauseous at bedtime.
Gender predictions:  I think boy but it's probably a girl... we will find out soon! 
Labor Signs: lots of cramping, contractions and the baby has dropped!
Belly Button in or out? In .. Never popped with Madison.
Wedding rings on or off? on.. dont think they are coming off anytime soon!
Happy or Moody most of the time: happy, happy happy 
Looking forward to: finally meeting our little one.. and finding out if Madison will have a brother or a sister!

If you are wondering why I am being induced it is because we had some issues come about this week, and the doctors are concerned about a kidney infection as well as I am in a crazy amount of pain because of the pressure from the baby. Our doctor is happy that we made 39 weeks and is fine with inducing me now! 

It will be a different experience from Madison as I went into labor naturally with her, but I can't complain.. I am DONE!

This is the last post for a few days!
I will try to update quickly once the baby is born so all of you following along can see where our pregnancy journey ends and our 2nd adventure into parenthood starts.


Sunday, March 2, 2014

March.. in like a lion.. Out with a baby?

Happy March Y'all!

It's the month that we in the Murray Household have been waiting for since the beginning of July!
It seems like it has gone by so fast but yet so slow. I am writing this blog thinking of all the fun, scary and emotional things that will be happening over the next few weeks.

This weekend was a fun one, Madison got to spend Thursday- Sunday morning with my parents!
They came down from Canada for a concert that we had gotten them tickets for at Christmas- George Strait and Martina McBride. Just one of the positive things about living so close to many awesome places is being able to host people when they come visit those places!

We all had a great time visiting and we are excited for their pending visit as soon as this baby comes!
I think Madison really enjoyed her time alone with them on Saturday morning, she got to go shopping and ride in Opa's truck (which she loves!)
She wasn't really into having her picture taken this morning.
This morning when she realized they were leaving, she threw herself on the floor like a typical 2 year old throwing a tantrum and cried because "Opa not leaving me".

We had some dinner visitors on Saturday night, Chris' cousin Lindsay and her son Ryan. It was so nice to have them up as Lindsay hadn't been to the house yet and Madison loves playing with Ryan!

Today we have some more excitement, it is Mima's (Chris mom's) birthday this coming wednesday, so we are having her birthday dinner with all of Chris' brothers and Madison is super excited to be able to spend time with her cousin Bella!

Hopefully Madison's excitement will continue as we get ready to welcome her little brother or sister!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

38 weeks

How far along are you?: 38 weeks 
Total weight gain: 24lbs
Maternity clothes? Yes, BUT I can still fit into my non- maternity favorite jeans :)
Stretch marks?  nothing new 
Sleep: I nap alot .. sleep at night comes and goes. 
Best moment this week: Taking Madison to her "sibling tour" at the hospital
Miss Anything? Walking up stairs without getting winded.
Movement: yes a lot!!
Food cravings: nothing this week
Anything making you queasy or sick: nauseous at bedtime.
Gender predictions:  I think boy but it's probably a girl.  
Labor Signs: lots of cramping, contractions and the baby has dropped!
Belly Button in or out? In .. Never popped with Madison.
Wedding rings on or off? on.. dont think they are coming off anytime soon!
Happy or Moody most of the time: happy, happy happy 
Looking forward to: meeting our little boy or girl any day now!

This week was an exciting one, we found out at our Monday appointment that I am definitely progressing and our doctor thinks this baby will be here before our March 13th due date (would be nice because its so low its uncomfortable!) We have our second appointment of the week tomorrow so here is hoping we are closer!

People have been giving me different wants to induce labor at home.. so far NOTHING has worked. Chris has been making me eat spicy food and chinese food, I have been taking Evening Primrose Oil, started drinking Red Raspberry Leaf Tea.
Chris was awesome enough to go to GNC the other day to pick up the tea for me and the lady told him "It's buy one get one 50% off" to which Chris responded "I hope my wife doesn't need two".

We had some help from my brother in law Mike last weekend with the baby's room. He and Chris installed the fan/light!
We have the crib set up and the dresser and few little items, diapers, wipes, first aid items and rocking chair in the room but we have decided NOT to paint until the baby is here. I know I want to do gray and pink or gray and navy blue depending on the gender of our little one!

It has been so hard NOT finding out the gender this time around as we have so many girl clothes that we could part with if we are having a boy, but also the adorable nautical themed clothing in all the stores is calling my name. The girl's clothing this time around is just as cute and nautical as well.

Between my sister in law and myself I hope one of us has a boy so that I can buy the cute boy clothes with whales and anchors!

This week Madison got to go on a "Sibling Tour" of the hospital. This was such an awesome experience for both of us. There was one other little boy who is 6 months older then Madison, the two of them got along great. 
The tour started with a quick video about siblings and families. Neither of the kids were really into sitting still and watching the video, so they decided to dance and run around. After the video we got to go into the "alligator" (translation = elevator) and headed up to the maternity ward .. while there we got to see a room where I will be staying and then came the big part of the tour.. The Nursery.
We got really lucky, there was a 12hr old baby that Madison got to see. Her eyes lit up, she asked if she could take him, she had a hard time understanding that it wasn't our baby and in a few weeks we will have a baby to take home. After the nursery we headed back downstairs and Madison got to learn how to change a diaper.. and since then all she wants to do is change her dolls diapers.
Lets hope she is this helpful once the baby arrives!

This weekend is a very exciting one in the Murray house.. My parents otherwise known as "Opa and Grammy" are coming! Madison has been counting down the days to their arrival and today is the day Opa comes and Grammy is flying in tomorrow!
Their visit is going to short and sweet but its just what we all need! They are actually coming because my brothers, chris and I got them tickets to George Strait and Martina McBride for Christmas so this is their big date weekend :)
This is also the first time they will be seeing the house since we moved in! They saw it about 3 weeks before we moved so they are in for a big surprise with all the work!

Time to go and bake some cookies with Madison as she is requesting "chocolate chippy cookies"
Hope your all having a fabulous week!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

37 weeks

Full term!!!!!!!

How far along are you?: 37 weeks 
Total weight gain: 23lbs
Maternity clothes? Yes. .. Im 100% sure I will NOT be saying no to this yet!
Stretch marks?  nothing new 
Sleep: comes and goes .. Getting used to running on little sleep 
Best moment this week: picking out boy and girl St Patricks day outfits 
Miss Anything? working out, coffee, my normal jeans!
Movement: yes a lot!!
Food cravings: buffalo quesadillas!
Anything making you queasy or sick: nauseous at bedtime.
Gender predictions:  I think boy but it's probably a girl.  
Labor Signs: lots of braxton hicks and lower back pain!... 1cm/ 50% effaced
Belly Button in or out? In .. Never popped with Madison.
Wedding rings on or off? on.. dont think they are coming off anytime soon!
Happy or Moody most of the time: happy, happy happy 
Looking forward to: having this little bundle of joy!!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Rounding the last corner

So many things are running through my mind this week - are we ready for this baby? will Madison accept another little one around, will I ever sleep again?, what will labor be like this time?

I know you can never truly be 100% ready for a baby because there are so many unknowns, will the baby be healthy, will the baby breastfeed easily or will it need formula, will the baby have sensitive skin and need a certain diaper etc.. BUT it is still something that runs through the mind of all parents and parents to be. How will we handle this!?

We got really lucky with Madison sleep wise, she slept in 3 hour clips consistently from the day we brought her home and that gradually grew to 12 hour nights.. so we can only hope this baby is the same way. On the feeding side of things we weren't so lucky .. She didn't take to breastfeeding at all so we needed to switch to formula. At 6 weeks old Madison was admitted to the Children's Hospital for 3 nights due to a stomach bug, it was also discovered then that she had reflux and needed medication daily to be able to keep her food down! It was an easy fix and she has no problems now.

This has made me decide that this time around I am going to exclusively pump, I know the benefits of breastfeeding but for me and what we went through with Madison, I am not ready for that again. So pumping is the best way to get the baby the nutrition it needs!

As for Madison accepting having a little baby around the house .. only time will tell! She LOVES other kids and other babies, so I can only hope this continues! It is going to be a massive change for all of us, we will need to learn to divide our time between the two but also spend time with both children together so Madison doesn't feel like she is being pushed out or any less important.
She has already started her "jobs" to help out around the house... feeding Bailey, picking up her toys, putting things in the garbage etc, little things that any 2.5 year old should be able to do! Hopefully this helpfulness continues in the next few months!

Labor.. well there is no way to tell how labor will be this time. This is not something you can predict, and no matter what you want to happen it doesn't always go the way to you planned. 
I was always told to have a birth plan, well that went right out the window with Madison.

Original Madison Birth Plan
  • Labor should start while Chris is home and not stuck at work
  • Monitor contractions and head to hospital when they are 4-7 min apart
  • Once admitted - get epidural
  • Have painless labor and have a baby 

As you can see NOWHERE in the plan was go into labor in the middle of the night and not realize it because you spent 6 hours throwing up, having back pains (which you later found out were contractions 3 minutes apart), have this all happen when Chris had to be in Brooklyn at 530am for work, drive the flooded SawMill in the middle of a massive rainstorm. 
It also didn't include needing pitocin because I wasn't progressing, epidural running out (ya that was a treat!) or laying in the hospital for 16 hours before our little one decided to finally come out!

Birth Plan for Baby #2
  • Whatever happens, happens
This time it doesn't matter when it happens, or where it will happen when it needs to happen. I do know I want an epidural again (I don't do pain), I would love for it not to run out this time! If I can avoid pitocin that would be great because when I got to 8cm every contraction would drop Madison's heart rate drastically so they had to stop the pitocin. 
I would also LOVE for this baby to make its way to the world a little faster then his or her big sister but only time will tell!

We had another NST today (done once a week now because of size of baby), I had a few good contractions, but not consistent enough to be concerned on the bright side.. we might get to meet this little one sooner then we thought.. Doc doesn't think we will be making it to 40 weeks as the baby is super low! 
Which I am totally fine with .. I have hit the "I am done point", I am just so uncomfortable because of the baby's low position.

Check back later this week for a 37/full term update!!!
