Monday, March 26, 2012

Quick visit to Canada

First off I would like to thank everyone for their kinds words and prayers over the last few days. If you didn't know my Oma had a heart attack last Friday. She is now at the Ottawa heart institute and will be having surgery on Monday April 2nd. It is for this reason we haven't had a fun blog update this week. Madison and I drive up to Canada on Saturday morning. And will be driving home Thursday. While being home Madison has got to spend time with my parents and brothers! Sad reason to come home but lots of fun being here!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Lions and Tigers and Bears.. OH MY!

Welcome to our upgraded Blog!!!

This week we took Madison to the Bronx Zoo for the first time and since we are now members we will be going alot more!!!
Sitting like a big girl!

Sea Lions

Being pushed around by Daddy


Once she came out of the stroller there was no going back in.

Chris showing Madison the owls!

Mommy's favorite animal!

All smiles leaving the zoo!
Chris and I have been to the Zoo before but going with Madison was a whole new experience! It was amazing to see things through her eyes. She was yelling at the animals and when certain ones made noises  she would make a noise! It was so cool! Overall it was a fun day! We cant wait to go back.. next trip might be to the aquarium :)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

New Season, New Camera!

Well everyone today Chris and I finally took the leap and invested in a good camera.. Nikon D3100 and so far I LOVE IT!!!! I cant wait to take more pictures of our trips and of Madison to put around our house!!
It seems like Winter skipped us and we went right to Spring and now it seems as though Spring has skipped us and we are going right to Summer!! Look for pics of all our new adventures.. such as the zoo in the next few days :)
Happy Spring time!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Happy St Patricks Day!!

Today was another occasion to dress Madison up in a cute outfit.. So ofcourse I broke out the tutu!! Also today is also uncle pj and uncle Timmy's birthdays! Hope everyone had a safe and happy day!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Madison's first St. Patricks Parade!

Well this weekend was the White Plains St Patricks Parade, which is always a fun weekend for you! Chris marches in it with the Dobbs Ferry Fire Dept, and after we go see an amazing band!! The day started off with me dressing Madison in one of her adorable St. Pats outfits

After Madison was dressed and ready to go, we headed down to our friends the Ryan's house to leave for the parade. When we walked in the door we saw that their daughter Makenna was in the same outfit! Even the same bow!
After that we piled into the cars and headed off to the parade. Once we were there we walked all the way to the start of the parade to spend some time with Chris and the rest of the fire dept. It was so cold so I wasn't taking Madison out of her BundleMe in her car seat!
After all that we spent a little bit of time with a bunch of other friends while listening to a great band! Then we headed home so Madison could nap and practice sitting.. Bailey felt the need to help.
The bunny that Madison is holding was hand dyed and knit by Grandma Pam :)
Hope your having a GREAT weekend!!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

She's on a roll....

Well folks a few days ago Madison rolled over from her back to front for the first time, but I wasn't home and Chris wasn't looking. We have been waiting for the day that she does it when we can see and TODAY WAS THE DAY!! And now we can't stop her!

We couldn't be more proud of our little girl! She is growing so fast and doing so well developmentally!!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Tummy Time

In the past few days Madison has become more and more comfortable being on her tummy. As of today she was figured out to reach for things during tummy time! Its amazing to watch her learn new things.