Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Jammin' nails

A few weeks ago I was contacted by on Instagram by Chelley Schoeller, (@Michelleschoellerjam)  a Jamberry Consultant. I am someone who LOVES having her nails done, going to the nail salon is my "me" time and over the last few years I have perfected my skills. 
I had heard of Jamberry before and actually follow a few other consultants on Instagram but Chelley was the first to reach out to me, so we started chatting and decided I would test out the nail wraps and post about it and we would do a give away!!! 

I couldn't have picked a better week to test them out if I tried. The wraps were put to the test between making play dough and slime at school to bathing, washing dishes, giving the girls baths and even our dog!!

The nails arrived in this adorable envelope that immediately got my attention and I ripped right into it!

In the envelope I found directions, a cuticle pusher, a nail file, a rice bag, alcohol sheets, a sample and the manicure wraps in Serendipity! 

It was a Saturday night and Chris was working so as soon as the girls went to bed I got to work! 
Since I had just had a manicure the previous week I really didn't need to file or cut my nails so it made the process a little easier. 
The entire application process took me about 20min because I took my time and really made sure the wraps were the correct size and no bubbles formed!
I was very impressed with the final product, so impressed I decided to take a bath see how well they held up! 
If I had painted my nails with regular nail polish there was no way I could do that!
Working at a preschool and having 2 little girls I am constantly washing my hands! Getting paint off them, scraping playdough out from under my nails, playing with sand and just everyday stuff.. And at the end of the week my nails looked just as good as they did at the start!!! 
I wore the wraps a total of 8 days, the only reason I didn't keep them on was because I get bored easily and was ready for a change! They were easy to remove BUT what shocked me the most was there was NO damage to my nails!  

They remind me of a gel/ shellac mania cute because they last 2 weeks and they take zero time to dry. If you have ever had gel/ shellac you have seen the damage they can do. It was so nice to see my nails nice and strong!

I am definatly ordering more wraps for myself and for Madison and YOU CAN TOO!!! Click the link below to place an order for my show! 
The exciting part - every person that orders is entered into a draw to win 1 of these 2 accent nail sets!!

(winner will be contacted by email in 2 when the show closes).

Any questions contact Chelley -

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