You probably noticed the part 1 in the title.. This is a 3 part post as we have 3 different "normal" days for us! Everyday is different for us because Chris' schedule changes all the time and during the school year I substitute teach so I could be called at 8am and that changes our whole day!
So today is about our day when Chris works!
4:15am : I usually try get up and get to the gym for 5 to get my workout in before everyone is up. Now that Beth is 3 months old I can take her to the babysitting at the gym so I don't need to wake up before the sun if I want to sleep a little more! Sometimes Beth will wake up around 330 to eat, depends on how much she ate the day before.
6:00am : If I go the gym I am usually getting back at this time and Chris is getting up and ready to head to work. If I don't go to the gym then I am usually getting up now as well.
6:30am : Chris is out the door and our day begins! Beth usually wakes up around this time so I make her bottle and head into her room to feed her. Thank goodness for Netflix .. Keeps me from falling back asleep! After she eats we have a little play time on her play mat!
7:00am : Madison is up and ready to go! She wants to put a dress on and eat her "wapples" (waffles).
The rest of our morning is spent playing, painting, coloring and dancing to the songs on Disney Jr in between Beth's feedings which happen every 3hrs!
Sometimes we will head to the park for a walk or we will run out and get a few errands done! I also might try to sneak in a photoshoot ;)
12:00pm : Lunch time! Madison has become a little picky! Our go to lunch is grilled cheese, yogurt and a fruit or veggie (broccoli is her favorite).
1:00pm : Nap time!!! Madison still takes a good 1 1/2 - 2 hour nap which makes me so happy!! The problem now is getting both girls to nap at the same time!! Yesterday was tough Beth decided the minute Madison went to her room that it was time to play! Almost like she knew she would have me all to herself!
During nap time I try to get as much done around the house as I can.. Laundry, wash floors, tidy up etc.
3:00pm : Nap time over! The rest of our hectic day is about to start! Usually we try to get outside at this point the sun is in the front of our house so the back yard and patio is a little shaded so it makes it a little cooler! We color with chalk, play with the water table, run around ... All that fun stuff!!
6:00pm : Dinner time! Madison has dinner at 6.. Depending on how the day went or if Chris is coming home I will eat with her or I wait until Chris gets home. Each night is different some nights he works overnight, other nights he has drill with the volunteer dept, softball or hockey!
7:30pm : Bath time, Madison loves her bath, if I let her she would spend hours splashing around!
8:00pm : Time for bed, Beth will hang out in her seat while I read a few books with Madison, sing a few songs and tuck her in for the night. She is very into reading her Children's Bible Series Books.. I will read one and then she will "read" it back to me.
8:30pm : Madison is usually asleep at this point so I try to get some more things done around the house and prep for the next day before Beth has to eat again.
9:00pm : Beth's final feed and bed time!! I try to do Beth's bath right after Madison's so she has time to relax afterwards before bed. After her feeding it's bed time!!
After everyone is tucked in I get some time to myself which is usually spent cleaning up from our day and doing prep for the next day! I also try to catch up on my shows.
Two kids is tough. Both girls are fairly easy going and I can pretty much take them anywhere and so anything with them, but there are some days I don't get my shower until 10pm! It sucks but that's just how our life is!
Before kids I was a super organized OCD person and now I am all over the place and it annoys me! I am working on becoming more organized and making things more efficient so at night I don't need to spend an hour getting this done I can still and relax!
Luckily today is a "Daddy at home day!"
Check back tomorrow for Part 2 - Daddy at home. Next week I will have Part 3 - Summer days.
Our summer days are going to be a totally new thing for us as Madison starts camp on Monday!!! Time to get her stuff all ready and make it so at night anyone can grab her things and get her bag ready for the next day!
Anyone in the westchester area come to Yorktown this weekend .. It's the Firemans Carnival! Come and show your support! Last night was the parade and the girls loved it!
Sunday Chris will be cooking and serving food at the carnival so come on out!