Friday, August 15, 2014

And it's back up...

Welcome to another Friday Fit post!  Last week I was happy to share that I finally broke that plateau my scale was stuck at well.. After a very unmotivational start to the week the scale is back up.

I feel like women will understand my feelings a lot more then men about this past week. For 2 days all I wanted to do was eat!! Eat junk, chocolate bars, donuts, pizza and anything else you can think of. I also had no motivation to work out!  All that combined made for a horrible week fitness wise for me. 

I woke up Thursday feeling more like myself and hit the gym for a great work out.
 I had big plans for the day- workout, clean my whole house and spend some time with Beth while Madison was at camp carnival.. Well that went out the window when on the way home from the gym I got a call from the camp nurse - Madison had a fever and was complaining her throat hurt. So off we went to get her and take her to the docs where we found out she most likely has coxsackie. Joy. 

My motivation was gone again all I wanted to do was cuddle with my sick little munchkin and help her feel better.

After the girls were in bed I took 20min to myself to write down my goals for the next month, 3 months, 6 months and year! I did this in hopes of sparking that light inside and giving me the motivation to get back at it! 

Last week I shared that I am going to be competiting in a Bikini competition in April BUT today I am going to share my goals for the up coming months. These are the goals I wrote down last night and I can't wait to get back at it today!!

1 month
- focus on eating clean 
- exercising daily (with rest days)
- run a sub 35min 5k on Labor Day

3 months
- complete my first 10k
- continue eating clean
- fit back into my favorite jeans from before I got pregnant with Madison.

6 months
- still eating clean
- complete a few 5ks
- run my first half marathon 
- be happy and confident 

1 year
- maintain a healthy body weight and image
- complete 1st bikini competition maybe more
- complete 2 half marathons

These are just a few goals that I have set for the next year. You will notice I dnky mention lose weight, that's because I am going to try to not step on the scale for the next 16 days. I am going to focus on the changes my body makes through clean eating and exercising! 

What are your short and long term goals?  New moms what are your goals - walk with your little ones, eat clean, baby yoga?   

Happy Friday! 

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